My wonderful husband misplaced the remote for our two outdoor fans on our covered (but open) porch. The fans and the main post light near the road are on the same light switch in the house. So, whenever we wanted the post light on and we hit the main switch, the fans automatically came on at medium speed (as this was the last setting it was on prior to losing the remote). This wouldn't be too bad, but in Ohio, that tends to get a bit cold in the winter months when you walk up onto the porch. This was a lifesaver when I found it! I originally bought a kit at Lowes for about $34, but you had to replace the transmitter in the already installed fan!This was cheaper, quick shipping, and super easy to "setup". The "learn" button on the remote had it synced up with the two fans/lights in less than 30 seconds! Thanks; what a lifesaver!