Remote Control Etiquette

Remote Control Etiquette

Remote Control Etiquette

You’re snuggled up on the couch watching your favorite movie, and … boom! Your co-couch snuggler snags the TV remote and changes the channel. While men are more likely to be remote hogs, we should all practice a little remote control decency. Here are some etiquette rules to follow.


Compromise is a must when it comes to the remote. You watch an episode of your favorite show and then turn the remote over to someone else. Rinse, repeat! This way, everyone gets a fair share watching what they want.

Be Considerate

When it comes to the remote, there are some things you just don’t do. For instance, don’t waste time channel surfing. Don’t change the channel when your cohort leaves the room. Don’t hog the remote or take it with you when you leave. Common courtesy goes a long way in keeping the couch peace.

If All Else Fails, DVR

Sometimes compromise isn’t possible. The good news is that you can watch all of your favorite shows whenever you went if you own a DVR. Instead of waging war over the remote, just DVR your favorites instead. With DVR, remotes are a moot issue!

Missing or Broken Remote? We Can Help

What good is following remote control etiquette without a properly functioning remote? If you’ve misplaced your TV remote control, you can count on us for a new one. We have a huge inventory of hospitality remotes and other remote controls. We can even assist with remote control codes!

Contact the ReplacementRemotes team at 1-877-671-7173 to place an order.

Remote Control Etiquette

Nobody likes a TV remote hog. Unless you live alone, it is important to work out a routine with your family or roommates that allows you to find common ground when it comes to TV time. Setting house rules for Dos and Don’ts will help maintain order so that everyone enjoys time together when watching TV. In order to keep the peace in your home, here are a few tips for remote control etiquette that you can live by to make everyone happy.

Things to Do

The first thing to do is compromise on what you will watch on television. Find common ground for shows that you like or a movie that nobody in the family has seen. It is also a good idea to employ a rotation system, where one person in the household is in charge of picking a show each day. Be considerate of others when you are watching television, such as those who are trying to sleep or study. Invest in a DVR system so that each person can record his or her favorite shows if you cannot agree, so that when you have free time you can catch up on the series that interest you most.


What Not to Do

It is not polite to quickly scroll through hundreds of channels or quickly dismiss the viewing suggestions of others. You also never want to steal the remote away from someone who is already watching TV in order to change the channel. It is also best to avoid trying to hide the remote, as that will only create unnecessary tension between you and your loved ones.

You can get more tips on remote control etiquette by talking to the experts at