A70111705, RCR0605
P/N: A70111705
Originally supplied with models: 1060VR, 1060VRREF, 106OVR, KEN1060VR, KRV1060VR, KRV9090, KV103CD, RCR0600, RCR0605
The Kenwood RCR0605 Receiver Remote Control is originally supplied with Audio/Video Receiver models: Kenwood 1060VR, Kenwood 1060VRREF, Kenwood 106OVR, Kenwood KEN1060VR, Kenwood KRV1060VR, Kenwood KRV9090, Kenwood KV103CD, Kenwood RCR0600, Kenwood RCR0605,
The Kenwood RCR0605 Receiver Remote Control is compatible with Audio/Video Receiver models: Kenwood 1070VR, Kenwood 1080VR, Kenwood 1090VR, Kenwood 600, Kenwood CNTR78, Kenwood CNTR87, Kenwood CNTRS7, Kenwood DCR0608, Kenwood HTB401, Kenwood HTB502 Kenwood KRFV7010 Kenwood KRFV7510D Kenwood KRFV8010D Kenwood KRV1070VR Kenwood KRV1080VR Kenwood KRV1090VR Kenwood KRV5570 Kenwood KRV6050BLK Kenwood KRV6060 Kenwood KRV7050 Kenwood KRV888D Kenwood KRV999D Kenwood KVR6050 Kenwood RCR0607 Kenwood RCR0608 Kenwood RCR0805 Kenwood RCR0905 Kenwood SRC807 Kenwood VR20 Kenwood VR208 Kenwood VR209 Kenwood VR255 Kenwood VR257 Kenwood VR309 Kenwood VR3090 Kenwood VR355 Kenwood VR357
Dimensions: 2.00 x 6.00 x 1.00 (W x L x D, inches)