Model: Y147KBAA01
Same As Y147KAAA01, AND 00Y147KAAA01
Supplied With MODEL: G146KB, MAG TS2768C, Y147KAAA01, MAG TS3254C, MAGTS2768C, MAGTS3254C, T2768C, T53254C, TS268C, TS2765C, SLMC6
Originally supplied with models: 48WP44, 48WP44C, 48XP43, 48XP43C, 48XP43C101, 54VP32, 54VP32C1, 54XP43, 54XP43C101, 60XP43, 60XP43C, 6P4615, 6P4615W1, 6P4830, 6P4830W102, 6P6030W, CP4830, CP4830W1, CP4830W102, G146KB
Battery Required : AA Batteries 3 Pack
Guaranteed Compatible Universal
: Anderic RRU401, Use code:
2810 (
click here for programming instructions)
Frequency Type : IR
Dimensions: 2.00 x 6.00 x 1.00 (W x L x D, inches)