Originally supplied with models: MVR2000C, MVR2100, MVR2155CA, MVR3100, VM3003, VM3003X, VM3105, VM6003X, VM6105, VM6405, VM7105
The Samsung 3F1400027080 TV Remote Control is originally supplied with TV models: Samsung MVR2000C, Samsung MVR2100, Samsung MVR2155CA, Samsung MVR3100, Samsung VM3003, Samsung VM3003X, Samsung VM3105, Samsung VM6003X, Samsung VM6105, Samsung VM6405 Samsung VM7105
The Samsung 3F1400027080 TV Remote Control is compatible with TV models: Samsung MVR2155, Samsung MVR3160, Samsung VM3105/CX, Samsung VM6003,
Dimensions: 2.00 x 6.00 x 1.00 (W x L x D, inches)