Originally supplied with models: 13LM56, 19LP36, 20KP75, 20KP95, 20KV555, 20KV575, 25KV775, 25LT56, 40KD855
The Sharp RRMCG0307CESA TV Remote Control is originally supplied with TV models: Sharp 13LM56, Sharp 19LP36, Sharp 20KP75, Sharp 20KP95, Sharp 20KV555, Sharp 20KV575, Sharp 25KV775, Sharp 25LT56, Sharp 40KD855,
The Sharp RRMCG0307CESA TV Remote Control is compatible with TV models: Sharp 19LP56, Sharp 20LP76, Sharp 25LC156,
Dimensions: 2.00 x 6.00 x 1.00 (W x L x D, inches)