Stanley Model 1050 Remote 310mhz
This looks like my remote, but how do I know if it's the right one?
1. Frequency: Check the back of your remote to make sure the frequency of the remote is 310mhz (megahertz).
2. Dip Switches: Open the battery compartment on your old garage door remote and look to see how many dip switches (tiny switches in a row) it has. If your old remote had 10 dip switches, then it's a match for this remote. If you don't have your old garage door remote, you can also look to see how many dip switches are on the back of your garage door opener (the overhead unit in your garage). The number of dip switches on the back of the opener is the same as on the remote.
Features and Specifications
Stanley garage door opener remote control transmitter model 1050 310 Mhz frequency, same as model 24911 10 Dip Switches Code Set. NOT compatible with Stanley SecureCode systems Visor clip, 9V battery and one year warranty included.
Compatible with all Stanleys from 1982-1997, also compatible with Lightmaker models and the old wire coding system (5 pairs of wires) Also compatible with Stanley transmitter model numbers 1018, 1027, 1037 and 1044
Battery Required : 9 Volt Battery
Dimensions: 3.00 x 2.00 x 1.00 (W x L x D, inches)