PN: 6711R2N012C
Associated Part Numbers: 92410047, 6711R1N012C, 92410048
Originally supplied with models: VR400HF, VRB210, VRB410, VRB411, VRB412, VRB420, VRB421, VRB4215
The Zenith SC411Z VCR Remote Control is originally supplied with VCR models: Zenith VR400HF, GoldStar VRB210, GoldStar VRB410, GoldStar VRB411, GoldStar VRB412, GoldStar VRB420, GoldStar VRB421, GoldStar VRB4215,
The Zenith SC411Z VCR Remote Control is compatible with VCR models: Zenith AL9B201, Zenith ALG2010, Zenith ALG210, Zenith ALG4010, Zenith ALG4020, Zenith ALG410, Zenith ALG420, Zenith ALGB201, Zenith ALGB401, Zenith ALGB402 Zenith C220M Zenith C420M Zenith C920M Zenith MBR4127 Zenith MBR425Z Zenith VBR420 Zenith VBR421 Zenith VBR4215 Zenith VR421 Zenith VR423 Zenith VRA211 Philips-Magnavox VRA411 Zenith VRA412 Zenith VRA421 Zenith VRA4721 Zenith VRA4Z1 Zenith VRZ411 Zenith ZRB4215
Battery Required : AA Battery 2 pack
Dimensions: 2.00 x 6.00 x 1.00 (W x L x D, inches)